Wednesday, June 15, 2016


A parable is a very useful way of conveying meaning. It is similar to an allegory, though it is undergirded by a specific message or call to action. The image above depicts the message of the parable of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-22. 
Jesus frequently used parables in his teaching, many of which were confusing and left the hearers feeling bewildered and unsure what was being communicated. When asked by his disciples why he taught in parables, his answer was that he wasn't trying to hide the message from them, it was that their hearts weren't ready to receive or understand. Once someone had accepted the source of the teachings (Jesus himself) their ears and eyes were opened to understand the message he brought (like the disciples). This truth can be cross applied to a variety of different meanings - without the willingness to understand metaphors, allegories, and models; we will remain stuck in our own preconceived notions and never expand our minds to larger horizons.
Image from

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