Thursday, June 2, 2016

Marissa's examples of Metaphors and Models/ why metaphors help us communicate 

This can be considered a metaphor because a picture cannot be traded for the value of a thousand words. This is just an idea that a painting can tell different stories, the painting itself is a story, not just a bunch of words.

This can be a model of the solar system. It allows us to understand what the solar system is and how it is set up. A model is used to help us understand facts, since this model shows our solar system we can learn the order of the planets based on their distance from the sun. 

I believe metaphors can be used to help understand bigger concepts because understand something small is easier. By comparing things we are allowed to image something we know very well then compare it to something confusing. Metaphors also help us understand the conditions of others. When we want to explain our feeling we can use metaphors to help explain to others. Such as, my heart hurt as if I was getting 5 shots. Usually everyone knows what shots feel like, painful. So in this case we learn that the heart was in pain due to the comparison. The idea of a small shot is really something bigger, someone going through a heartbreak. With metaphors communication becomes not only easier, but more fun as well.   

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